Safety systems for construction machinery

InTeEx delivers well-proven safety systems of high quality for different types of construction machinery. The system compromises of well known standard components and follows all applicable requirements and directives.

Interactive display

An intuitive and easy to use interface makes it quick to configure and easy for the operator to understand the current state of the system.

Soft decelerations

Automatically decelerate movement when approaching set limits, with the use of proportional valves.


The system fulfills applicable regulations and rules where workplace security is demanded.

Safe and easy. For everyone.

At InTeEx we develop our solutions in close cooperation with our customers. We challenge ourselves to always develop the simplest, most user-friendly and intuitive solutions possible. When you use InTeEx products our goal is that you barely should be able to notice the system even being there, but that you feel confident that it will protect you when you need it. The system is robust and easy both to use and install. 

Compatible with both new and used machines

The systems are designed so that it is possible to install it on machines still on the factory floor as well as machines that have years of experience in the field. Flexible mounting possibilities and different options makes it easy to install and integrate it with most types of construction machinery. 

Our systems makes work easier and safer

 We have multiple systems which we can customize and tailor to each machines requirements, purpose and design.
There is an ever-increasing number of functions, options and adaptations; bellow is our 6 main functions:

Height limitation

With a simple keystroke you can set a maximum working height for your machine. You can thereafter work safely and effective with confidence that the system prevents movement that would exceed set limits.
Common uses would be tunnel roofs, power lines and other infrastructure that could be situated above the machine.

Slew limitation

Prevents the machine from rotating into areas set by the operator as off-limits. This is done by two different functions: either a slew limitation, set in degrees or as a Virtual Wall, set parallell to the undercarriage of the machine.

Load limitation

With the installation of a RRCS system, a load calibration will be performed for the specific machine to prevent overturning. The System will thereafter limit movements which would exceeding the calibrated lifting capacity of the machine so that critical situations where the machine is in danger of overturning or derailing is prevented.

Easy installation

The Systems are installed by trained personnel in InTeEx authorized workshops, which guarantees a correctly fitted and calibrated machine.


Multiple Bypass/Override functions can be integrated within the system so that the operator can move the machine if a situation arises that requires movements which otherwise would be prevented by the System

Clear indicators

Other than the displays many values and status-indicators, the RRCS system comes with an external light indicating to people working around it that the RCI/RCL system is active.

InTeEx systems are tested rigorously to meet todays standards and requirements








RIS 1530 Iss. 6
TÜV Rheinland